The Jacket I Wear In the Snow

The Jacket I Wear in the Snow is a fun and different way to learn all about winter clothes.  It is a sweet story and kids of all English levels can understand and relate to it – who hasn’t had to put on layers and layers of clothing just to play out in the snow? The pages are filled with has bright colorful pictures that are repeated again and again, so the vocabulary is easy to learn and a great way to memorize!

Just reading a story isn’t enough, a fun way to reinforce the vocabulary is to put it into use in an activity.  Card games are great because they do just that, plus they are so versatile.  Print 4 copies of this game out on card stock paper (this is to keep them from being to flimsy or keep little peepers from trying to see what other have from the back) and then cut the cards out. The cards can be used for Snowman Flip Flop, Go Fish or Memory.


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