Do The Bunny Hop!

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Although the clothes in the video above may have gone out of style (oh the memories those outfits bring back!), Do the Bunny Hop is a classic that is here to stay! The lyrics and the moves are pretty simple so get ready to sing and dance and hop right in to Easter!

Put your right foot forward
Put your left foot out
Do the Bunny Hop
Hop, Hop, Hop!

Dance this new creation
It’s the new sensation
Do the Bunny Hop
Hop, Hop, Hop!

Let’s all join in the fun
Father, Mother, Son
Do the Bunny Hop
Hop, Hop, Hop!

And if you don’t have a chance to make your own Bunny Lumps Guess Who? game, you can print out these little guys and play.  You’ll have to check out the Bunny Lumps link above to see how to play the card version of Guess Who?  You know, we are always looking (or trying to invent) new games to play with the same cards, so here is another one to try on for size:

Three Of A Kind

Preparation: Print one copy each of the two bunny cards.

Object of the game: Find three of a kind

1-? players

Shuffle the cards.  Lay down 9 cards face up.  When a player sees 3 cards that share 3 similarities (3 ears of the same color, 3 noses of the same color, 3 bodies of the same color or 3 tails of the same color), she raises her hand and says ‘Three of a kind.’ The the player must say the names of the rabbits and what their similarities are.  That player gets the 3 cards and 3 new ones are dealt in their place.  If no one can find three similarities and it is agreed upon by all, the cards can be shuffled back into the deck and 9 new ones dealt (or you can take the three top cards off and 3 news can be dealt).  The winner is the person holding the most cards at the end of the game.

We just made up this game, so we’re not really sure how it will work out.  If you play it let us know, if we play it first, we’ll let you know!

Happy Easter!

Easter Workshops, Bunny Lumps Guess Who?

A while back, we saw adorable little bunny lumps on House Wren Studios.  They are simple enough for the kids to make, but just making one was not enough.  Then we had the brilliant idea (yes, we are patting ourselves on the back for this one :o) use the idea for an Easter Guess Who? game.


  • Play dough in different colors ( we used – white, yellow, orange, purple and pink, blue and green – that’s a lot of dough, you could use fewer colors, but you will have fewer variables)
  • Craft foam or Felt (we used red, orange, yellow, green, blue and pink b/c that was what was in the craft foam package)
  • Wooden skewer.
  • plus glue, pens and paper to make name tags

It’s actually quite simple how to make the ‘lumps’ all you need to do is squish a small ball of dough into a small lump.  Roll tiny pieces of dough for the nose and the tail,  Cut out ears from the craft foam and poke them in.  Use the skewer to poke 2 eyes on the bunny – tadah you are finished. The really fun part is – when the bunnies dry, write names on little slips of paper and glue them to the bottom of the bunnies.

To make sure that the kids didn’t repeat combinations of ears, eyes, noses and tails we made a little chart and cut it up into squares.  The kids chose the bunny they wanted to make and then wrote the number down, followed the ‘bunny lump recipe’ and then put the card back, fished out another and began again.  Since the process was pretty simple, this let the kids be pretty independent and go at their own pace.

To play Guess Who? You will need 2 or more players.  Set the bunnies on the table in a random order.  Decide who will go first (this will be Player A).  Player A chooses a bunny (but doesn’t say who it is), the rest of the players ask yes or no questions to guess which bunny it is by process of elimination, ie:  first guesser (Player B) says – does the bunny have blue ears.  If Player A says YES, all bunnies WITH blue ears are taken off the table.  If Player A says NO, all the bunnies WITHOUT blue ears are take off the table.  And so on and so forth for the rest of the players.  After player asks his yes or no question, they should be asked ‘Would you like to guess which bunny it is?’ – if Player B (or C or D) says yes and guesses correctly, she wins.  If she guesses incorrectly, she skips her next turn.